
Happy holidays

Wish you all happy holidays and wonderful celebration! More colors, inspirations and shining!

and of course - THANKS FOR READING MY BLOG! Promise and planing to be here more ;)



Yesterday I bought this flower. So interesting and beautiful, because it changes every day. Blooming.




Baltic swastica

One of the first rubber stamps I made. This is one of the most frequently repeated Lithuanian folk art motifs. But of course I made it with flowers:)  
I made something for home with this stamp. 
Tablecloth and 4 tea towels soon on my etsy shop.


flowers for mother

A few years ago my daughter Goda (now shy is 11) made for me rubber stamp with flowers is the pot.
 This picture was so cute for me and these flowers were always on my eyes and I knew I will use this stamp some day. So I used this picture for other stamp and made two fold-over clutch purses for little ladies or their mothers:) hope you like this in my etsy shop.



Žaliuodama dirba gamta,
Iškėlus vaisingą augimą.
Menkiausia žolelė - ir ta
Gieda save kaip himną.

Tikiu tavimi, tikiu,
Klaupiuosi prieš tavo didybę.
Dainuokim, žolele, sykiu,
Ką esame žemėj nudirbę.

Ką tu, mažoji, mąstai,
Kas atve, žalią, kelia?
Ką tu matai, ką matai
Už mano pečių, žolele?

Kodėl tu, žolele, esi
Man iš visų žaliausia?..
Tikrai tu teisi:
Laimingi, kurie neklausia.